Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Poem 1

It was the only time
my mother
gave in to my tantrum
thrashing on the dressing room floor

I wore it with pride:
satin stars of turquoise and cyan
on a background blacker than the night sky
those other kids will ooh and ahh

Let's walk in the creek bank
my sister
said after church, where I was right--
they did ooh and ahh

We'll find the Ninja Turtles she said
and they will ask us to fight,
save the world
which I really wanted to do

I want to go too
my brother
trailed behind and slipped and sloshed
and clawed at the tree roots, but alas

Into the drink went he and I
the electric eels, they'll get us
Raphael won't let that happen

When we returned, clay-covered and mangy
my father
was waiting for us, for an answer
why would you ruin the night sky?